Finding Joy in God's Provision

Legacies: Making Sense of the Gospel Devotional - Day 3

Reading: Acts 14:19-22, James 1:16-18

Paul’s willingness to continue preaching after being stoned and left for dead speaks to his deep faith and resilience. He understood that hardship is not an exception in the Christian life but a necessary part of it. For many of us, it’s easy to feel discouraged when things don’t go according to plan—whether it’s struggles at work, in relationships, or in health. But Paul’s response to suffering is a model of perseverance through faith.

The Christian journey involves suffering, but it’s through these challenges that we are refined. Just as Paul said, “It is necessary to go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22). Facing hardship with faith doesn’t mean pretending it’s easy, but it does mean trusting that God is with us in the midst of it, using it to deepen our trust and reliance on Him.

Just as Paul reminded the Lystrans of God's ongoing provision, James emphasizes that every good gift comes from our heavenly Father. Take time today to notice and appreciate the ways God has blessed you - from the beauty of nature to the relationships in your life. 

How might cultivating gratitude for God's daily provision increase your joy and strengthen your faith? How can you change your perspective on hardship to see it as a part of spiritual growth? 

Challenge yourself to look beyond material blessings to recognize the spiritual gifts God has given you through Christ. Let this awareness fuel your worship and deepen your trust in God's goodness.

Ask the Lord to help you view hardship as an opportunity for growth, to give you strength to trust Him, even when life is difficult, knowing that He is working in you through every challenge.