Turning from Worthless Things

Legacies: Making Sense of the Gospel Devotional - Day 2

Reading: Acts 14:8-18

Paul urges the people of Lystra to turn from their “worthless things” and follow the living God. In today’s world, we may not bow down to literal idols, but we often place things like career, wealth, approval, or personal success on the same pedestal. These are the modern-day “worthless things” that can take the place of God in our hearts.

The danger of idols is that they always demand more—more time, more energy, more sacrifice—but they never truly satisfy. They offer temporary satisfaction, but leave us empty in the end. Turning away from these idols means recognizing their inability to give lasting joy and returning our focus to God, who alone can provide what we truly need.

Paul's passionate plea to the people of Lystra challenges us to examine our own lives for "worthless things" that may have become idols. These could be good things that have taken an inappropriate place of importance in our lives. Reflect on what consumes your time, energy, and affection. 

Are there areas where you've elevated created things above the Creator? What “worthless things” in your life are taking the place of God, and how can you begin to turn from them?

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any idols in your life and give you the courage to turn from them. Remember that true fulfillment and purpose can only be found in relationship with the living God who created all things.