I’ve Had a Gospel Conversation. What’s next?

Let us know about your gospel conversations. Fill out the GC3 Update Form and share some details about your experience. This will alert us to know to pray with you for the person.

GC3 Prayer Focus

Who are you praying for?

We are inviting you to be intentional with have Gospel Conversations (GC) in the areas where you live, work, and play. We have GC3 Prayer Cards available for you to engage with us in this initiative. Be thinking of the names of three people you will pray for daily and look for opportunities to have gospel conversations. 

What does a gospel conversation look like?

In simple terms, we define a gospel conversation when you discuss or interact with someone about any aspect of the good news of the gospel, focusing on how God has made a way for us through Jesus. Even if you discover someone already has a relationship with Christ, it is a good thing to provide someone of assurance of their salvation and encouraging them to trust Jesus more in their current life situations. We believe that you’re being a witness to the gospel of the grace of God and that these conversations can produce gospel fruit.

GC3 Prayer prompts

Here are three ways to pray for your three people every day. Set a reminder on your phone for every day at 3 pm and pray for:

1) Boldness and awareness of opportunities for gospel conversations.

2) Openness and responsiveness to the gospel.

3) Repentance and trust in Jesus alone as Savior and Lord.

Gospel Conversation Resources

We will keep this section updates with helpful tools and resources for having gospel conversations.

 Conversation Starters

  1. Do you go to church anywhere?

  2. How do you want to be remembered after you die?

  3. When you have problems, where do you turn for help?

  4. In your opinion, who is Jesus?

  5. Do you have any spiritual beliefs?

  6. What role does faith play in your life?

  7. What do you think the biggest problem in the world is?

  8. What do you think happens after we die?

  9. What causes you the greatest fear or anxiety?

  10. How do you deal with disappointment?

  11. What do you believe about the Bible?

  12. What brings you the greatest sense of contentment?

  13. What is one thing you still want to accomplish before you die?

  14. Who has had the greatest impact on your life?

  15. What is your greatest strength?

  16. What is your greatest weakness?

  17. What were the biggest turning points in your life?

  18. What would you do with a million dollars right now?

  19. How have your views on religion changed through the years?

  20. What do you think is the most important goal in life?

  21. If you could ask God any question right now, what would it be?

  22. What would people be surprised to learn about you?

  23. Where do you think you are in your spiritual journey right now?

  24. What is the first word that pops into your mind when you think about God?

  25. Do you think that church is important?

  26. What irritates you the most?

  27. What makes you laugh?

  28. What do you think happens to us after we die?

  29. Have you ever had a prayer answered?

  30. What is the kindest thing that anyone has ever done for you?

  31. What is your perception of Christians?

  32. What do you believe about God?

  33. What do you think will be your greatest contribution in this life?

  34. Is religion important to you? Do you consider yourself a religious person?

  35. When you have problems or questions, who do you turn to for help?

  36. From what or whom do you draw the strength to endure a difficult situation?

  37. When you pray, who do you pay to? Why?

  38. What do you think will happen after our life here? What do you think it takes for a person to enter heaven?

  39. What causes your greatest concern or stress?

  40. When do you feel close to God? When do you feel far away from Him?

  41. How do you deal with regrets from your past?

3 Circles Tool

The gospel of Jesus Christ is the most profound reality of life. Sharing it with someone can be as simple as drawing three circles.

Discover how you can share the gospel with anyone.

Life On Mission App

Need a quick and simple way to evangelize?

The Life on Mission mobile app provides an effective way to share the gospel with someone using simple tools, like 3 Circles or Best News, to make the most out of every opportunity.

Share your faith on the go!

Download the Life on Mission app

The Gospel

Now I want to make clear for you, brothers and sisters, the gospel I preached to you, which you received, on which you have taken your stand and by which you are being saved, if you hold to the message I preached to you ​— ​unless you believed in vain. For I passed on to you as most important what I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.

1 Corinthians 15:1-4 (CSB)

The gospel is simply this: Jesus died for our sins, He was buried, and God raised Him from the dead. It’s His finished work on the cross that makes us right with God. Jesus did something for us that we could never do for ourselves.

(Exerpt from Turning Everyday Conversations into Gospel Conversations)

Four gospel Talking Points to keep in mind:

  1. GOD: begin with truth about God. Everything starts with the greatness of God, the glory of God, and his original design for creation.

  2. SIN: explain truth about sin. All of us have failed to live for the glory of God. We exchange his glory for our own glory. We worship the creation and not the Creator.

  3. CHRIST: proclaim truth about Christ. God sent his Son, his divine, eternal Son, to bear the punishment we deserve. 

  4. FAITH: finish with truth about faith. You can’t work for your salvation. You can’t earn it; it’s a free gift. You can’t deserve it; it comes from God’s grace and love. And we receive this gift by faith.

(Taken from How Do I Lead Someone to Christ by John Piper)

Rooted Journal
Bible Reading Plan

At Northbrook, we have cultivated a culture of corporate Bible reading that we believe is shaping us into a church that faithfully equips disciples as kingdom investors. You can purchase a Rooted Journal and follow along with our reading plan.