Ways you can serve at Northbrook

We provide a wide range of opportunities for you to serve Christ, his church, and the community in the places where you live, work, study, and play. Scripture says, “we are the body of Christ,” meant to work together, side-by-side, advancing God’s Kingdom here on earth. Every follower of Christ and member of a local church is called to live on mission down the hall, across the street, and into the world.

Go in Ministry

1. Down the hall

You will not begin making an impact for God’s kingdom anywhere else until you are fully surrendered as a faithful member of your church. A kingdom investor starts on mission with your faith family by serving on a ministry team. We want every investor to identify one hour a month that you can give back to your church in ministry.

You can live on mission down the hall in a variety of ways Northbrook. Let us know where you would most like to serve and we will connect with you about next steps.

2. Across the street

Kingdom investors begin living out the mission in the office, the classroom, and the ball field. You serve on teams reaching out to the hurting in our community, feeding the hungry, caring for foster families, serving our schools, starting a Bible study in your neighborhood. A great way to start serving “across the street” is by serving at the Northbrook Caring Center.

3. Into the world

God wants to take you beyond your comfort zone, into places around our state, throughout North America, and to other countries. As we keep building out our missions partnerships and networking with unreached and unengaged people groups, you will have more and more opportunities to go into the world at least once each year.