Equipping Kingdom investors for making Kingdom impact in Cullman and beyond.
This is Northbrook.
This is who we are and what we are called to do and we invite you to join us on this glorious mission of advancing the gospel and making Kingdom impact for God's glory and for the good of others in Cullman and beyond.
The gospel shapes our purpose. The unique way we fulfill our calling to glorify God and make disciples is by equipping the religiously saturated to become Kingdom investors.
Put simply, we are called to equip. We want to equip a missional force of Kingdom investors ready to make Kingdom impact in Cullman and beyond. We do this by providing people with a toolkit for becoming a fully devoted disciple of Jesus and for discovering their personal calling.
The gospel fuels our passion. In a time and place where many feel like church is just another weekend task to check off the list, we strive to turn religious consumers into passionate Kingdom investors who are faithfully living out their personal calling in community.
The gospel defines our priority. Everything we do is focused on equipping Kingdom investors. But how to we measure how we’re doing equipping them? And who is a Kingdom Investor?
A Kingdom Investor is a fully devoted disciple of Jesus who…
Dwells in God’s presence daily through spiritual disciplines…
Discovers God’s design for their lives through personal calling…
Develops for God’s Kingdom through accountable discipleship – community and spiritual growth, and…
Deploys for God’s mission by serving God’s Kingdom down the hall, across the street, and into the world.
Our Values
Our Values Motivate our Mission
Northbrook has five shared convictions that guide the way we navigate our mission and filter decisions. These are the who-we-are values that drive our what-we-do decisions.
we are better together.
The mission is amplified when done together.
God’s mission rings loudly in the ears of people around us when we do it together. When we say we are better together, we are saying that our togetherness is fundamental to what it means to be a Christian. God does not need any of us, but He wants each of us. Better yet, He graciously invites each of us to have a part in bringing His ultimate vision to life. As we step into His unique calling for Northbrook, we invite you to join us on the journey. It will be difficult. We will face obstacles. It may even take us longer than we expect. But one thing is certain – it will be worth it. When you join the movement, our mission to become true kingdom investors is amplified for God’s glory (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12).
We believe in applied truth.
The Word is most alive when applied.
We believe that when we begin to dwell in God’s Word, learning to apply all of it to every part of our personal lives, the righteousness of Christ starts becoming visible in our lives. In this religiously saturated environment, we have a wealth of biblical knowledge. But we cannot stop there. God’s word comes alive when we apply it. In our transformation journey to become true kingdom investors, we must step outside of our individual comfort zones and take a collective step of faith to help bring this vision to life (Colossians 3:16).
We believe in Radical Generosity
The Kingdom is advanced by leveraging our time, talent, and treasure.
The foundation of radical generosity is the infinite value of knowing Christ. And in Christ, our time, talents, and treasures are tools God can leverage in amazing ways for His glory – when we let Him. As deep Gospel transformation takes root in our church family, we look forward to seeing how God advances His Kingdom through our radical generosity (Luke 10:25-37).
We believe in Relational Evangelism
The Gospel is embodied through authentic relationships.
Now, more than ever, people are hungry for meaningful connection. We seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the lives of people where we live, work and play. When we capitalize on opportunities to plant seeds and invest in the lives of the people around us, God will do the rest (Mark 4:26-28).
We believe in
transformational growth
Jesus makes us new, not better.
We limit ourselves when we simply focus our energy on becoming better Christians. That is not what God wants from us. Jesus came to make us new, not better. Understanding that key distinction is the first step toward transformational growth. Jesus did not come just to rehabilitate your old way of life. He came to redeem you and give you a new life. Christianity is not a strategy for just becoming a better version of yourself. It is a call to die to yourself (Romans 12:1-2).
Our Strategy
Empowered by the Spirit working in and through us, both individually and corporately, we strive to accomplish our mission by leading people along our strategy map. This discipleship pathway is our intentional and strategic plan to equip Kingdom Investors for making Kingdom Impact in Cullman and beyond.
First, you must GRASP the Gospel by receiving God’s free gift of salvation through faith in Christ. By making a public profession of faith through baptism, you can become a part of the body of Christ and join us on this journey.
We GATHER in Worship weekly to exalt Christ and enjoy His presence together as we worship through music and the proclamation of God’s Word.
You DISCOVER in True North one-time, a two-week membership orientation class available for anyone interested in learning more about Northbrook and how to live out your personal calling. True North provides a wonderful snapshot of who we are and what we are called to be and to do in our community and beyond.
We GROW in Groups weekly by connecting to biblical community and accountable discipleship. Life Groups is the place where discipleship is a community environment, the best next step in getting plugged in to the life at Northbrook. D-Groups are the place where you are equipped to be a disciple-making disciple.
You DEEPEN in Intensive seasonally. Intensives are the place where discipleship is an instructional environment, where you will receive deeper teaching in the Bible, doctrine, theology, apologetics, spiritual formation and other subjects.
We GO in Ministry daily by serving God’s Kingdom down the hall, across the street, and into the world.
Northbrook Strategy Map: our discipleship pathway visualized.
Are you ready?
No matter how young or old you are, there is a place for you in this vision and we hope you will help us bring it to life for God’s glory. Let’s go!
Have more questions?
Pastor Keith walked us through what this vision for Northbrook looks likes during his sermon series, Discover: Embracing What’s Next. Over the course of several weeks, we got an in-depth look at what a Kingdom Investor is and where we fit into this vision.