at northbrook, we know our students are the next generation of the church. Through our preteen ministry, young people learn how they can become a kingdom investor in our church, school, and community!

Preteen ministry: 5th - 6th grade


Life Groups are an invaluable platform for students to deepen their understanding of the Bible and nurture their spiritual growth. It is an enriching and transformative experience that empowers students to deepen their relationship with God and navigate the complexities of the modern world with wisdom and discernment. These groups meet every Sunday morning at 9:00 AM.


5:00 PM Dinner served
6:30 PM PTM Worship and Small Group Time

Northbrook’s preteen ministry is a dynamic community within our church. It serves as a place young people can seek guidance, support, and a sense of belonging. Led by dedicated and passionate leaders, the PTM offers a variety of programs and activities designed to nurture the spiritual growth of our younger students. From weekly gatherings filled with engaging discussions and thought-provoking lessons to fun-filled events and service projects, our PTM strives to create an environment where young individuals can explore their faith, deepen their relationship with God, and learn how they can become a Kingdom Investor.

The PTM room opens at 6:00 PM for hang-out time (foosball, ping pong, and gameboards, etc.). Worship begins at 6:30 PM and we finish by 7:30 PM.


I’m Interested in serving in the preteen Ministry



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