Get Ready for Sunday: Marveling at the supremacy of Christ!

This Week at Northbrook: Jan. 24

What does it take to experience real transformation? This Sunday, we’ll continue our new series, Changed, as we dive into Colossians 1:15-20, where Paul invites us to marvel at the unmatched supremacy of Jesus. Here’s something to consider: Is Jesus just prominent in your life, or is He preeminent?

Paul shows us that Jesus is not only the Creator and Sustainer of everything but also the One who reconciles us to God through His blood shed on the cross. This radical reconciliation offers us peace, purpose, and true joy. Real change doesn’t come from trying harder—it comes from beholding more of Jesus.

Take a moment today to reflect on how Jesus, the exact image of God, stepped into our brokenness to bring hope and healing. Let’s prepare our hearts to worship Him and ask, What needs to happen for Jesus to take center stage in my life?

Come and join us for Life Groups at 9am and Worship at 10:30am as we continue to cultivate transformational growth together. Can't wait to see you Sunday!

Please Note: Many of you have asked if the text you received this week was legitimate. Yes, it is. The welcome text was from Northbrook, using our new texting service at the number: (833) 460-2804.


MEN'S EVENT  |  Real Men: Men in the Word  |  Saturday, February 1 at 8am

Enjoy a hearty breakfast and time in the Word together with special guest, Gary Hollingsworth. Cost is $15. REGISTER HERE  ›


WOMEN'S EVENT | FOUND FAITHFUL  |  Sunday, February 2 at 6pm

This will be a great time to make new connections and grow deeper in your faith with friends. We will enjoy dinner together and look forward to having special guest, Ashley Gorman. You can also signup to help decorate a table centerpiece for the event. There is a place on the register form to signup. Cost of the event is $15. REGISTER HERE  ›

UPDATE FROM PERSONNEL: New Children's Minister Recommendation

The Personnel Committee and Elder Council are excited to recommend Katie Bentley to the church as our next Children’s Minister candidate. We will hold a special called meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 29, which will include a time to hear from Katie. The church vote will take place on Sunday, Feb. 2.

ARE YOU PLUGGED INTO A LIFE GROUP? Interested a trying a new off-campus Life Group?

We believe lasting transformation happens best through Christ-centered relationships in biblical community. That’s why Northbrook exists—to equip Kingdom investors who are growing in Christ and living on mission daily. Our Life Groups are the spaces provided to help make that happen, deepening your relationship with Christ and others. This year, we’re expanding by adding three new off-campus or Wednesday night groups to compliment our Sunday 9 a.m. groups, giving you more ways to connect.

If you’re already part of a Life Group, keep investing and growing! If you’re looking to join or try a new group, we’re here to help. Fill out the Life Group Connect Form, and let’s grow together.

And if you're interested in learning more about leading a new group or hosting an off-campus group, please email Dave.

SPRING MIDWEEK INTENSIVES  |  Wednesdays, February 5 - March 12 at 6:30pm

Midweek Intensives are the place where discipleship is an instructional environment with the goal of helping you grow in godliness and spiritual maturity. The next 6-week intensives will have two tracks:

  1. Women's Intensive | Ephesians: A Study of Faith and Practice, facilitated by Kristi Warden and others - Register Now

  2. Men's Intensive | Better Man Defined: Real Men Couragesouly Follow God's Word, led by Keith Warden and others - Register Now



We’re thrilled to introduce Expedition, our new midweek program for kids! This six-week adventure starts February 5 and gives kids the chance to grow in their walk with Jesus while exploring their God-given interests. Kids in K-4th grade can choose from three exciting tracks:

  1. God and Science: Discovering God’s good creation

  2. Jesus and the World: Missions Expedition Track

  3. Art Studio: Creatively memorizing God’s Word

Space is limited in each track, so register soon! Expedition is free, but you can purchase an optional Northbrook Kids Expedition backpack for $15 at registration. Kids will earn a patch for their backpack after completing each six-week track. We can’t wait to kick off Expedition on February 5—see you there! 

Learn more and sign up at ›

TRUE NORTH KIDS | Sundays in February at 9am

True North Kids gives kids the opportunity to walk through the gospel in a kid friendly, hands-on environment. It will also help kids understand the importance of baptism, Lord's Supper, church membership and more! Register for True North Kids at ›


We are all bombarded with messages every day and it's hard to cut through all the noise when you need to communicate important information to a group of people. We do our best to keep you informed with ministry and event opportunities and encouragement. Different people prefer different means of receiving those messages, so we want to try and keep information in front of you through a variety of channels. But we need your help to lock in to one of the ways and stay connected so that you don't miss out on any of the latest news and updates from Northbrook.

  1. GLOO (pronounced "glue") Texting Service: Many of you have expressed your preference of receiving information via text messages on your devices. Be looking for a church-wide text from (833) 460-2804 (it is a legit number that Northbrook has secured). This text will welcome you to our texting service and will give instructions on how to opt-out.  And at anytime, you can text the word NBC to that number to begin receiving text udpates. 

  2. MailChimp Email Service: This will eventually become our primary means of communicating to you via email. The email you are reading right now is being sent from our church memember management software and is limited on it's capabilities. Many of your emails have already been added to this new service, but you can subscribe to the new "This Week at Northbrook" email list at

You can always stay connected by downloading the NBC App or following our social media accounts. Scroll down below for those links to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Again, please help us by finding the channel(s) that works best for you, staying locked in so that you don't miss a message from Northbrook. Thank you!

MIDWEEK SUMMIT IN JANUARY | Wednesdays at 6:30pm

We will continue our 4-week series on how to cultivate your personal spiritual health through intentional prayer and bible reading next Wednesday night. Download a summary of previous messages. Dinner served at 5pm. Normal activities for Kids and Students.


Let's dig into God's Word together! Purchase a Rooted Journal online at and pick it up at Guest Connections on Sunday.


Continue to pursue opportunities to have Gospel Conversations this week! For resources and to submit information about your conversations, visit ›





  • 8am - Breakfast

  • 9am - Life Groups (all ages)

  • 10:30am - Worship (separate activities available for nursery - 4th graders)


  • 5pm - Dinner

  • 6:30pm - Midweek Intensives and Activities for Children, Preteens, and Students