Walking the Path of Wisdom: Choices That Shape Our Lives

In a world filled with countless decisions, how do we navigate the complexities of life with wisdom and purpose? The answer lies in understanding that God's plan for us is not a fixed destination, but a journey—a pathway we walk daily. Our lives are constantly moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts, which means the choices we make and the wisdom we cultivate shape our future.

The book of Proverbs, a treasure trove of wisdom literature, offers profound insights into making wise choices. Unlike other parts of the Bible that contain commands or promises, Proverbs provides slices of the wise life—examples and principles that, when applied, generally lead to positive outcomes.

To truly grasp wisdom, we must look to Jesus Christ, who is described in 1 Corinthians 1:24 as "the power of God and the wisdom of God." By meditating on how Jesus lived—His discipline, love, and discernment—we can better understand what godly wisdom looks like in action.

So, how can we walk the path of wisdom in our daily lives? Here are five key choices we must make:

Choose Discipline

Wisdom is a necessity in life, but it's rare. That's why we must learn and pursue it actively. Choosing discipline means being willing to be corrected, to receive instruction, and to practice self-evaluation. It's about being transparent and humble enough to acknowledge our shortcomings.

Remember, the only way to become an expert at fixing something is to encounter broken things. Similarly, to grow in wisdom, we must be willing to face our own brokenness and learn from it. This process can be humbling and sometimes even humiliating, but it's essential for growth.

Choose Discernment

Discernment is the ability to notice distinctions and differences, even subtle ones. It's about reading situations, picking up on non-verbal cues, and understanding what's happening beneath the surface. In our distracted world, cultivating discernment requires intentional focus and spiritual awareness.

As we grow in the love of Christ, we should also grow in self-awareness and awareness of others. This discernment allows us to navigate complex relationships, make wise decisions, and guide those under our care, like our children, towards developing their own discernment.

Choose Discretion

While discernment is about perceiving reality, discretion is about knowing how to act strategically in light of that perception. It's the foresight to recognize potential dangers and take appropriate action. Proverbs 22 reminds us, "A sensible person sees danger and takes cover, but the inexperienced keep going and are punished."

Discretion helps us anticipate where our choices are leading us and steer clear of dangerous situations. It's not just about avoiding obvious pitfalls, but also about making wise choices in seemingly innocuous circumstances that could lead to significant consequences.

Choose to Be a Learner

The trajectory of wisdom in our lives should always be increasing, never leveling off. A wise person is a continuous learner, and learning starts with listening. In a culture that often refuses to listen, especially to those we disagree with, choosing to be a learner means cultivating the humility to hear others out.

This doesn't mean compromising our values or boundaries. Rather, it's about insulating ourselves from wickedness without isolating ourselves from others. We should seek to grow in knowledge and understanding while guarding our hearts and minds.

Being a learner also means being a reader. Setting goals to read more, starting with just a page a day and gradually increasing, can significantly boost our wisdom and understanding. The Bible is an excellent place to start, but other good books can also contribute to our growth.

Choose to Fear the Lord

The fear of the Lord is foundational to wisdom. But what does it mean to fear the Lord? It's not about being scared of God, but rather experiencing a "fearful joy" that causes us to long for God's presence. It's a combination of awe at God's holiness and power, and joy in His love and grace.

This fear of the Lord should be the starting point of every day in our lives. It means waking up with the awareness that we deserve God's wrath, yet through Jesus, we can experience His everlasting joy and presence. When we live with this perspective, every decision we make—from career choices to daily schedules—is influenced by our relationship with God.

The key question we should ask ourselves in every decision is: "How will this choice impact my relationship with God?" By consistently making this our priority, we align ourselves with God's wisdom and His good plans for our lives.

Walking the path of wisdom is a daily choice. It's about stacking wise decisions on top of each other, forming habits that shape our character over time. As we choose discipline, discernment, discretion, learning, and the fear of the Lord, we gradually begin to look and sound more like Jesus.

Remember, without wisdom, no amount of freedom, health, or security can truly satisfy us or prepare us for life's challenges. But with wisdom, we can navigate uncertainties, understand difficult situations, and make choices that lead to a fulfilling life aligned with God's purposes.

Today, you have the opportunity to choose wisdom. Whether you're just starting on this path or returning after some detours, God invites you to walk in His wisdom. It's a journey of transformation, healing, and joy. Will you accept the invitation and step onto the path of wisdom?