Northbrook is a group of believers who live sent, fulfilling the great commission together by making an impact for the kingdom down the hall, across the street, and into the world. If you are interested in going on mission for the sake of the gospel, the Live Sent Missions Conference is the place to be. Discover how God wants to personally connect you to the mission. We hope you partner with us as we seek to be a church who makes kingdom investors by pouring out our lives for the sake of the gospel in Cullman and beyond. Come be a part of Live Sent starting on Sunday, September 22. Our hope is that this time together will encourage, educate, and equip you to live out that call!
We look forward to spending time with some of our Acts 1:8 partners, encouraging them as they encourage us. We will hear testimonies of Kingdom impact from our own folks, and from other special guests. The conference begins on Sunday, September 22 and will conclude the following Sunday.
Sunday, September 22
9:00 am - Missions Emphasis for Life Groups: Discover how your support impacts our partners’ ministry and learn what it means to be deployed on God’s mission right now. There will be a panel with Josh Murphree (international missions), Seth Stanley (church planter), and Robert Adams (caring center), and a time of guided prayer. All adult groups will meet in the Worship Center.
10:30 am - Live Sent Kickoff with Pastor Keith Warden.
Wednesday, September 25
5:00 pm - Missions Expo + Dinner
6:30 pm - Live Sent Celebration: Get to know our Acts 1:8 partners, discover their mission, and learn how you can pray for them effectively. Keith will host a panel with our partners, Ryan McCammack, Steve Costello, and Kenneth Jones, and we’ll hear a message from church planter, Seth Stanley.
Kids, Preschool, and Nursery will have activities as normal. Middle and High School students will join the Live Sent service at 6:30pm.
thursday, September 26
5:30 pm - Connection Dinner (open to everyone, space is limited)
Join us for dinner and conversation with our church planter and missionary partners as we pursue God’s calling on our life to go across the street and around the world. This is a great opportunity to get connected with what God is doing through our church and our missions partners. Dinner is $10/adult and kids eat free. Children are welcome but there will not be childcare available for this event. Registration is limited, so sign up today!
Sunday, September 29
9:00 am - Life Groups – as normal
10:30 am - Live Sent Challenge and Commitment with special guest, Tim Dowdy, vice president of Evangelism at the North American Mission Board.
meet our Acts 1:8 Partners
Joseph & Kristen Gibbons
Las Vegas
Steven & Amy Castello
Kenneth & Melissa Jones
Washington, D.C.
Ryan & Tricia McCammack
Damson & Jenn Huon